Thursday, March 3, 2016

What I Eat in a Day (HighCarb LowFat Vegan)

Recently I got asked what I actually eat in a day...

... so I decided to show you :) 

I eat differently every day and every week, depending on the season, my mood, the time I have etc. so this really is only an example from THIS week. This week I am pretty pretty busy, I work a lot and did not have much time to cook. So there was no lasagna and not even a bolognese because it simply would take too long to prepare. 

So here we go with the morning... I usually start my day with some warm lemon water. I like to add some turmeric to it, some pepper and a little bit of maple syrup (it gets this really orange color because of the turmeric).

My second course in the morning is a green smoothie. Currently I am always making orange-kale-dates but sometimes I also feel like having some banans smoothie with aronia and greens or some orange-fennel smoothie. 

Then fiiiinally I am getting to the third course (I usually have like a 45 minutes break between the smoothie and the "real" breakfast) which is either muesli, semolina pudding or oatmeal. I like to add spices such a vanilla, cinnamon and cardamon to my oats and semolina, and I always have some ground flaxseeds with my breakfast (sooooo healthy!). Usually I do not add fruit to my oats or muesli because of better digestion, but sometimes I simply do not care about digestion and I just add diced apples and bananas :) 

Around four hours after breakfast I have lunch. Lunch is the "big meal" for me. I spend most time in the kitchen when I prepare lunch. However, as I wrote above, this week is a busy one, so the meals stayed simple. I had quiona with a stew of pointed cabbage, turnips and poatoes on one day and mashed poatoes (both white potatoes and sweet potatoes), green beans and some mushrooms with smoked tofu the other day.

In the afternoon I always need something sweet... this can either be a big banana-almond-date smoothie, or some golden milk (I will make a post about this, so I am not going to say too much about what this is right now ;)) or some sugar free soy yogurt with agave syrup and frozen beeeeeeries. Love it! 

For dinner we usually keep it very simple. We often have pasta for dinner. Like this week, we had whole wheat spagetti with a vegan "cheese" sauce (made with potatoe, carrots and nutrional yeast) and alfalfa sprouts. But often we also simply eat bread with veggies. We often bake our own bread, sometimes we buy it in our organic market and sometimes I get lucky a receive some alkaline bread from Alvito made from buckwheat, sweet potatoe and potatoe. There are herbs inside which makes it very tasty! You can find more alkaline products on the website from Alvito. If you want to know more about the acid-base balance and why I prefer to eat more alkaline foods, feel free to check out this post of mine.

So the other day we had bread with a homemade kidney bean spread and some alfalfa sprouts. I usually prefer to make my own spread or to eat avocado with bread, because the store-bought ones are always loaded with oil.

Now finally, when the little one is in bed and I am sitting on the sofa, writing a blog post about what I eat in a day, I like to snack on some dates and sliced apples. And to have some tea :) 
Sometimes I also have other snacks at night, like sugar free brownies (currently there are some black bean brownies waiting for me in the kitchen...) or banana nice cream or some hot chocolate (sweeteend with agave syrup).  

Well, thats it. Thats an example of what I eat in a day... I think I eat around 3000 kalories a day, but I never count so I am really not sure. Anyway, I just enjoy and always try to eat as much as I can - because the more I eat, the more nutrients I get ;) 

Did you find this post intersting? I could make one like this every once in a while, if you like!? Do you eat similar things or completly different? I would love to know!

Sending much love!


  1. Love the post. Very different and informative.

    Kanwalikram's Blog

  2. Omg, this smoothie looks heavenly!

  3. Everything looks really yummy to me - I also eat oatmeal with fruits (on my breakfast) and I also drink lemon water in the morning, very often with aple cider vinegar or with turmeric- its not my favourite though, but I know its so healthy so I add a pinch sometimes:) And I also make a lot of spreads, often with beans and I eat sprouts all the time - they grow on my window sill all year:) Im very surprised you dont eat oils! I mean if it works out for you, it's great, but to be honest I wouldnt be able to leave them behind in my diet:( Thank for your answer of course:) And I'm very happy you liked my dress, thanks so much for your kind words once again! Have a wonderful weekend, mine will be somehow busy with other wedding preparations, hugs:)))

  4. I love these types of posts, great pictures!
    Have a lovely weekend :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  5. Sehr vorteilhaft und gesund - wir hauen auch Leinsamen in alles, wo man sie reinhauen kann, selbst in Tomatensauce!


  6. I like your blog so much :) Happy Weekend!

    Can you follow me? I follow you :)
    If you comment my post, I will comment your five posts! :)

  7. Each meal looks so delicious and healthy! I especially like the sound of the bread with sprouts on it. Lately I have been roasting up all kinds of vegetables in the oven and just eating them with a little bit of seasoning, it's so good and I am obsessed!

  8. Es gibt doch nichts besseres als Nudeln. Also ich bin ehrlich gesagt ein großer Fan von Nudeln und könnte die quasi ständig essen... jederzeit...
    Und Basen-Brot ist gar nicht so schlecht. Ich war anfangs etwas skeptisch, aber das war unbegründet.

    Meine Schwester hatte in den letzten Wochen definitiv keine tolle Ernährung! Leider hat sie in einer Einrichtung mit schwer zu erziehenden Kindern gearbeitet und musste mittags mit denen mitessen. Und es gab natürlich entsprechendes Kantinen essen, wie es im Buche steht. Seit ein paar Tagen hat sie die Stelle nun gewechselt und hofft auch, dass die wesentlich gesündere Ernährung nun ihr und der Haut wieder hilft.

  9. Sounds so interesting to me. I have a completely different diet. Although I would love to try some of these items for snacks. ;)

  10. Oh sweetie all the food looks so delicious. The quinoa looks super yummy *w* Thanks for share with us darling

  11. This all looks so delicious and healthy at the same time! I love that bright yogurt and berry bowl!

    Chow Down USA

  12. The food looks delicious! And this post is so inspirational for those who want to start eating healthier!

  13. So delicious, thanks for your tips


  14. delicious, i was vegan but i didn't had ideas for meals so i stopped. I think it;s the time to get back to this again!

  15. Thank you dear!

    I follow you now #379

  16. Liebe Larissa, das würde ich auch alles essen, was Du isst! Bei mir sieht es so aus, dass ich der Früh entweder Vollkornbrot und Müsli (auch oft ohne Obst) esse, am Mittag eine Suppe, wenn es irgendwie geht, Salat und eine Nachspeise und am Abend gibt es bei uns auch oft Nudeln oder Kartoffeln oder eine kleine Süßspeise :)
    xx Rena

  17. This looks so good! Always looking for new vegan recipes. Thanks! XO, Ellese


  18. minhamiii!!!
    Amazing post**
    Love it!
    Check my blog and my new post*
    xx, A Be-atriz

  19. I love pasta, your homemade sauce sounds AMAZING!


  20. So interesting! Love seeing what a day in your eating schedule looks like.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  21. It looks so delicious. :)Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  22. Great food photos. I got hungry from looking at them! :D

  23. Thanks a lot, sweetie! I really think the same :D

    So, I just in love with this kind of food. Healthy life is everything :D

    NEW INSTAPLEASURE POST | What happened in my February ... :(
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  24. That looks really delicious and healthy! I want to try it hihi!


  25. omg this looks really nice <3 followed you on gfc

  26. Oh, dass sieht alles so lecker aus! Ich finde es so bewundernswert, wenn man sich vegan ernährt, ich könnte das nie schaffen, obwohl ich auch einige Jahre vegetarisch gelebt habe und mich heute fast ausschließlich von Salat und Obst ernähre. Aber ich liebe Käse einfach viel zu sehr, dass ich darauf verzichten könnte :D

  27. Great post dear!! Everything looks so yummy! :)

  28. Great post! :)
    I follow you and I invite to my blog. ;)

  29. Looks yummy! It's really great that we prepare our own meals. In that way, we're sure that's it's really good for us. :)

    Saw your blog and thought if you would like to follow each other? Follow me and I'll follow back asap. Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  30. These food look so good, it makes me hungry. Great post dear! xoxo

  31. These food look so good, it makes me hungry. Great post dear! xoxo

  32. Aw that food looks absolutely amazing! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful week!

  33. Delicious foods


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