Monday, December 21, 2015

Last Minute DIY Christmas Gift - Superfood Topping for Muesli or Oatmeal

The day after tomorrow is Christmas!

And I am still making gifts and am far from done with wrapping the gifts I already have. What about you? Are you done with everything? 

In case you still need a DIY idea for a Christmas gift I have one for you - a superfood topping for muesli or oatmeal! It is very easy to make and a great gift for everyone who likes muesli or oatmeal, who eats healthy or who wants to eat healthy :)  

I came up with this idea because I still had some cocoa beans from Keimling left over after I made the filled dates (see post here) and I did not really know what to do with them... but then I thought about all the mueslis out there made with cocoa nibs and I came up with the idea of making a muesli - but I thought its even better to make a superfood mix that can be used in muesli, oatmeal, buckwheat, groats or whatsoever :)

What I put into the superfood mix:

Pumpkin seeds
Goji berries
Chia seeds
Cocoa beans
Popped amarant
Popped quinoa

In case you use coca beans make sure to remove the skin before shredding them! I removed the skin from my cocoa beans and put them into my food processor so that I get small pieces that are like the ready made cocoa nibs who can buy in stores. You can of course also just use cocoa nibs - will be less work for sure ;) 

Would you like to get this as a gift? I would - this is why I made some for my husband and me too ;) 

So, are you on holiday yet? Or still working? I hope you are free and ready for Christmas :) 
Its my birthday tomorrow so all my thoughts go to my birthday instead of Christmas right now. These days are soooo busy with preparations, gift-making, grocery shopping, card-writing and sending etc. etc. but I feel wonderful and I am soooo very happy!

Sending you all much love!


  1. exactly how much of all the ingridients ! I need to try it
    and thats a great gifting idea
    Happy Monday

  2. This is such a lovely idea! SUuper easy and perfect for last minute gifts (:
    Have an amazing day,

  3. So original present darling! ^-^
    And happy birthday, even if I'm in such late!

  4. Love this!

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  5. Great idea for a healthy and homemade present!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  6. Ich bin leider auch noch nicht fertig, aber hey, sind ja noch ein paar Tage Zeit! :-)
    Schöne Idee für ein Geschenk auf jeden Fall!


  7. Great idea, I love things like this for Christmas or any occasion.Im plannig to give my closest ones boxes with homemade sweets like chocolates, meringues and my alpine gingerbread cookies - they turned out great!:)So it will be a nice addicion to another gifts, I think. I havent packed anything yet (I'm not very good at that), but yesterday we have decorated our Christmas tree - looks great with a lot of decorations made by my Mom:) I wish you happy, happy birthday and Merry Christmas - I wish all your dreams will come true:) Have a lovely Christmas time with your family, Hugs:)))

  8. Liebe Larissa, ich gestehe ich packe die Geschenke fast immer erst am 24. Dezember ein :) Aber Dein Geschenkvorschlag ist total toll, ich würde mich auf jeden Fall sehr freuen, wenn ich das zu Weihnachten geschenkt bekommen würde! Vielen Dank für Deinen Vorschlag und eine tolle Weihnachtswoche wünscht Dir von Herzen, Rena
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
    International Time-Related Giveaway: Bad News and More

  9. So ein super Geschenk und eine tolle Idee ♥ Ich persönlich würde mich riesig drüber freuen!
    Liebst, Melina

  10. Aw super idea for Christmas gift! So creative! I love it! Thanks for sharing and happy holidays!

  11. Really interesting post...thx for sharing! xx

  12. Can you follow my blog :) thanks :)

  13. Love the idea. Hand-made gifts are the best! As for me. I am not ready at all! The tree hasn't been set up yet, my outfit is lost in the mail, the shopping isn't finished yet... But the most important thing is that my Christmas mood is there and nothing can ruin it this year!

  14. OMG greeeaaattt idea! thanks for sharing! <3


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