Friday, May 15, 2015

Favorite Summer Dishes Part I - Quinoa and Green Asparagus

In the coming months, I am going to share some of my favorite Summer recipes with you...

... there are some foods I eat a lot more in Summer (since I try to eat mostly those veggies which are in season) and I have some favorite Summer foods. These, I am going to present here :)

Lets begin with one of my favorite May foods: GREEN ASPARAGUS! 
I LOVE green asparagus! Do you like it?

My favorite way to prepare green asparagus is to cut it into small pieces, put it in a pan and fry with fresh garlic and a soy sauce. Thats it! Super easy, and so so soooo good :)

I love to eat green asparagus with quinoa. I boil the quinoa with some herbs (chives, parsley, etc.) and I also add some soysauce in the end. I like it that simple and I think you should give it a try too :)

What are your favorite Summer dishes? I would love to know! And how do you prepare green asparagus? Please share your recipes with me!

I wish you all a wonderful sunny weekend!


  1. I love asparagus so much, they are definitely one of my favorite foods!
    Wish you a lovely weekend as well :)

  2. Awesome post! Love the photo too. Have a great day! :)


  3. the dish seems yummy....


  4. Ich liebe ja grünen Spargel mit Nudeln und habe auch letztes Jahr ne super vegane Hollandaise gemacht...
    Einfach zum Reinknien!


  5. Liebe Larissa, ich liebe grünen Spargel auch! Am liebsten mag ich ihn ebenfalls in kleine Stück geschnitten, dann aber in Olivenöl angebraten. Deine Lieblings-Variante muss ich auf jeden Fall auch testen, danke für den Tipp und das Rezept. Mein liebstes Sommergericht? Also ich würde jetzt mal sagen Erdbeeren in allen Variationen und heuer auf jeden Fall auch Spargel. Letztes Jahr hat mir der irgendwie nicht so gut geschmeckt, aber heuer liebe ich ihn. Hoffentlich geht es Euch gut! Ein wunderschönes Wochenende wünscht Euch von Herzen, Rena

  6. this are delicious.

  7. Hummm,, delicious :D

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  8. Perfect for summer tummy !

  9. Hello dear, yours is look so nice and yummy. Mine is simple watermelon cause it's super hot in summer and I don't have any desire to eat anything)

  10. that looks so yummy
    have a great weekend

  11. Mmm, that looks so good! I love to eat veggies during Summer as well :)



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