Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Black Jeans

Black jeans can never be wrong...

... they fit with everything, they are easy to style, they are great for Summer and Winter and they are available in all sizes and shapes. I have three black jeans in my closet and I am very very happy that they do all three fit again, now, five weeks postpartum. Actually, the other day I realized that all trousers fit again and I enjoy wearing them again now after several months of maternity jeans. I may make a post of what I eat now that I am breastfeeding and one on what I did in these last few weeks to get my pre-pregnancy size back that fast (I did not do much - that I can already tell you now ;)).

So I am wearing my veeery old pair of jeans here, which I think, I bought from this shop called Cubus those days. We do not even have this shop here where I live now. Anyway, then I am wearing my new much much loved boots from H&M (I am actually happy about colder Spring weather these days, because it allows me to wear these pretty boots ;)) and a blouse which is also from H&M. My belt ist from the last huge sale at C&A where I got it for 2 euro or so. 

Apropos 2 euro - yesterday I went to the thriftstore around the corner and there was an everything-2-euro mega sale. I bought two blouses, two jeans, a vest and a coat and I cant wait to show you some outfits with these new-ins :) 


I hope you are all having a great week so far! If not, make sure to make the rhubarb cake from my last post - I promise it will brighten up your week ;)

Sending you all much love!


  1. It's so true! You can never go wrong with black jeans :) I like the style of these that you're wearing. You look so chic!

    xo Azu

  2. so true, bloack jeans look good with everything and in all seasons
    u look cool
    keep in touch

  3. I agree, I wear my black jeans all the time! I love them! I only bought one pair because I wasn't sure if I'd get on with them, and OH MY GOSH they turned into my favorites. I'm due back for another couple of pairs. Love your outfit here!!

    Much Love,
    -Stephanie Eva

  4. I love such comfortable looks!)

    1. And very chic! Love your oldies! Can't go wrong with black denim! Stunning!


  5. Das Muster von der Bluse gefällt mir richtig gut!

    Liebste Grüße ♥ MS
    Sparkle & Sand

    P.S. Auf meinem Blog läuft gerade ein Gewinnspiel - vielleicht hast du ja Lust mitzumachen :)

  6. Liebe Larissa, das ist ja megaklasse, dass Dir alle Deine Hosen wieder passen! Ich freue mich gleich mit für Dich :) Und genauso wie Du, liebe ich schwarze Jeans und ich bin überzeugt davon, dass diese Hosen definitiv zu den Kleidungsstücken gehören, die ich am allerhäufigsten trage. Ich habe es sogar geschafft, was bei mir eher selten vorkommt, meine geliebte, schwarze J-Brand-Jeans aufzutragen ... Dein Outfit gefällt mir wieder sehr und auch wie Du strahlst. Und jetzt bin ich gespannt, auf Deine neuen Errungenschaften!
    Liebe Grüße von Rena

  7. Amazing post ! Would you like to follow each other?

  8. Oooh black jeans. So chic yet not widely seen. I'm loving the chillier spring days as well. Let's me wear some layers that I normally can't sport. :]

    // ▲ ▲

  9. I wear black jeans almost every day. You look good in them.

  10. Oh I am loving this edgier look on you! Those cropped black jeans and booties are amazing!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  11. Absolutely. I think what we eat demonstrates much of what we are. There is no cream against cellulite that do miracles if we do not have other healthy habits. :D

    Love your pattern shirt :D

    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  12. Black jeans are my favourite too and I love the printed shirt :) xx

  13. Cool Look, love the shoes!
    Have a nice day darling :)

  14. Black jeans are so awesome, wow. Actually, I'm thinking about buying one pair!

  15. Such a cute look - loving the jeans!! Perfect for all occasions!!! :)

    Layla xx


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