Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I guess I cannot hide it anymore...

So, here comes a small surprise...

... some of you may have thought, when looking at my last posts, that I gained some weight and that my belly is not that flat anymore. Well, its not because I changed my diet or because I had too much food! Its actually, because I am five month pregnant!

I know, I took a long time to tell you but I wanted to make sure that everything is okay with the baby before making it public. Today we had the "halftime" checkup where the entire little baby body was scanned through. Since everything is fine and the baby is healthy and happy, I thought, now its finally time to share these big news :) 

Of course, this is again changing my blog a little. In the coming month I have no choice, but to share pregnancy looks (I actually really like it and I am already looking forward to share my tips and tricks for chic and comfy looks during pregnancy). Also, I may share a few other pregnancy topics with you, whenever I find something important. This may be boring for some of you and interesting for others, and maybe a few new readers will come who are looking exactly for this information :)

Now I am pretty exited about your reactions on this post and I can't wait to read your comments :) 
And in case you are already a mommy and you now some great blogs which helped you during pregnancy and even after, please share them with me! I am always looking for inspiration and information :)

Thank you and have a great one!


  1. Rosaaaa!!!!!!
    I cannot be more happiy for you!!!!!!!!
    What a wonderful surprise, and what a wonderful thing is happing to you!!!!!
    even if I'm not pregnant, I would love to see how you're going to dress yourself! you already know if it's a boy or a girl? :)
    I'm so happy you share this news!!! I'm happy to see how your blog will change! :) :) :)

  2. congratulations, great photos

  3. congratulations!!!! great!!!!! kisses for all

  4. Aw yay!!!!!! Congratulations girl!! I am so happy for you! You're going to be such a great mommy! Can't wait to hear more about your little one!

    <3 Shannon

  5. Congrats dear!!!

  6. Congrats <3

    and thanks for visiting my blog. do you want to follow each other on GFC and blogovin? :D

  7. Ui, wie toll! Ich freue mich so für euch, meine Cousine hat gestern eine Tochter geboren, und ich bin ganz im Babyhype. Kannst du mal einen Post schreiben über deine Ernährung wegen der Schwangerschaft, da macht sich meine Mama ja immer Sorgen, dass falls ich mal schwanger bin, das Kind nicht ausreichend versorgt wird...

    Übrigens habe ich letztes Wochenende vegane Lebkuchen schwuppsdiwupps selbst gemacht. Geht super einfach und ist auch viel billiger als zu kaufen! Rezept werde ich mal posten...


  8. Congrats dear! <3
    Be happy and healthy :)
    It's amazing moment in ur life!

  9. OMG! How exciting! This is a major step in one's life. I hope you savor the experience and wind up with a cute baby!

  10. AHHHHHH this is such great and surprising news! Congrats to you both, I am so happy for you Larissa! Cannot WAIT to meet the little one, and yes, I hope he or she makes it on your blog a whole lot. And you are an adorable mommy to be, also :)

    ♥ perfectly Priya


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