Sunday, June 22, 2014

On Campus

Remember when I showed you around my US exchange-campus last year?

This year I went back and it was so wonderful to see it again and since I didn't see it in a while I appreciated its beauty even more, so I decided to take another round of picture on this beautiful campus in the small town of Athens in Ohio. 

You can find more pictures from my stay in Athens, Ohio and my living-in-the-US experiences here and in the posts around that one :) 

Like usual I will combine this with an outfit post. I've shown you the pants that I am wearing in here last year too; in this post and seriously, I just really love them. This loose fit style is exactly what I love in Summer. I just ordered another one in the same style online and I hope it will fit so that I can show it to you too :)

The bag I am wearing in here is a gift from a friend of mine who is from India and who actually brought me the bag from there :) 

How is your weekend going on? I am having a great time this weekend since I spent the entire day of yesterday on a fleamarket, selling clothes and other stuff. Then we watched the world cup and I enjoyed the match against Ghana so much (I used to live in Ghana so I am somehow supporting both Germany and Ghana) and we had a great night out afterwards. Now its time to wrap up the week and enjoy my Sunday off. 

Have a great day everyone! Thanks for being here and thanks for coming back here and thanks for supporting my blog! I now I keep telling this, but you and your comments really make me so happy and I so thankful for all the lovely people I got to know through blogging!

Lots of love to you out there!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Las Vegas and Lake Mead

Have you every been to Las Vegas?

Well, I've been now and I really think I never have to go again. Seriously! I didn't like this place...

to go there you drive through the desert for hours and you don't see a single human being or anything green. It somehow makes you feel depressed. Then you suddenly arrive in this city where everything seems to be so fake and unreal. We all felt so uncomfortable around there. There is nothing real! Like, even most of the plants are made of plastic, the stones in the pools are made out of plastic, everything is made out of plastic and nothing, really nothing is real. It really was the weirdest place I've ever visited...

Anyhow, it was good to have seen Las Vegas once. At least now I know that I don't have to go there again ;)

Have a wonderful Wednesday and a good rest of the week!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sand Hollow State Park

Yay, another Post full of memories from my vacation in the US ;)

This place is called Sand Hollow State Park, its in Utah and a truly amazing place! Its a beautiful lake in the middle of the desert and I just loved the red rocks next to the blue, clear water. We spent a few wonderful hours there and I also went swimming in the lake, which was awesome given the fact that the temperatures were aorund 34° C that day. 

Concerning my outfit, I bought this blouse in Chicago, where I went before going to Arizona and Utah (will post some pictures from there too...) and since I've got it, I am wearing it like every second day or so. Its from H&M and I am sure some of you have the same one ;)

Have a lovely weekend everyone! For me its market day today. I haven't been to the market for so long since I was travelling around (those following me on instagram, already know that I spent last weekend in Lithuania... I will also make a post or two about this ;)). Tonight we will celebrate my sisters in law's birthday and tomorrow my fiance and I need to get serious about the planning of our wedding which will take place in early October... ;)  

Lots of love to all of you out there!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My favorite ways to eat POLENTA

Since I became vegan last year, I discoverd so many new things to eat...

One of them is Polenta. I never had polenta before but since I got to know it, I eat it very often. I just love how easy it is made, and how easy it is combined with all different kinds of food. 

In this post you can see two ways of how to enjoy polenta:

A (fried) pesto-polenta (made with pesto-spices) with a green salad, homemade black-olive-paste and a vegan burger (perfect lunch for a hot Summer day, since both polenta and salad is fresh and cold - even though you can of course decide to eat the polenta hot :) )

A plain polenta with hot leek and hot apples. I love the combination of leek and apples and this its just soooo tasty to put both of it on top of some plain polenta. I jsut fry both leek and apples for a few minutes in a pan and then its already perfect. This combination is probably better in Fall or Winter, since leek is somehow a Winter-veggie... anyhow, I love to eat this in Summer too, since I like the freshness of the apples in the fried leek. In Summer I like to eat the whole thing cold, which is as good as the hot version.

Now, PLEASE let me know your favorite polenta combination so that I can try it too :) 
I am always looking for inspiration and new ideas!
Have a good day and enjoy your meal ;-)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

KISURA - A German Review about a German online Stylist Service

Liebe deutsche Follower, ich möcht euch heute ein tolles Berliner Unternehmen vorstellen: KISURA

Die Kisura GmbH ist Deutschlands erste Personal Shopping Plattform von und für Frauen. Über bietet das Berliner Startup seinen Kundinnen einen neuartigen Service, der die Vorzüge einer persönlichen Stilberatung mit den Vorteilen des Online-Shoppings verbindet. Kisura ist exklusiv auf Frauen ausgerichtet und bietet Damenmode von über 200 nationalen und internationalen Marken. Und so funktioniert’s: Einfach unter registrieren, die persönliche Sedcard zu Größen, Farben, Stilvorlieben und Wohlfühlpreisen ausfüllen und vom persönlichen Stylisten beraten lassen. Dieser stellt anschließend individuelle Outfits zusammen, die innerhalb eines virtuellen Show-Rooms präsentiert und dann bequem nach Hause bestellt werden können.

Ihr legt also euer Profil im Internet an und lasst euch dann am Telefon beraten. Etwa 8 Tage später kommt dann ein Paket mit euren neuen Outfits zu euch nach hause. Das sieht dann in etwa so aus:

Die Outfits könnt ihr dann in Ruhe anprobieren und euch überlegen, ob ihr sie behalten möchtet oder nicht. Das hier sind die Outfits, die für mich zusammengestellt wurden. Ich habe meinem Stylisten erklärt, dass ich Outfits brauche, die sowohl für das Büro, als auch für den Kaffeetratsch-Termin direkt nach Feiernabend geeignet sind. Daraufhin hat er mir diese beiden Outfits zusammengestellt:  

Das erste ist ein schlichtes schwarzes Hemdblusenkleid von Espirt zusammen mit einem Halstuch. Mehr dazu könnt ihr ja auch in der Outfit-Beschreibung durchlesen, die ich weiter oben für euch abfotografiert habe.

Schuhe gab es übrigens nicht dazu und auch keine Handtasche (obwohl ich extra um eine gebeten hatte...) 

 Das zweite Outfit ist dann eine schlichte schwarze Hose, mit einem weißen Top und einer Kette, dazu kam die grüne Kastenjacke, um das etwas farblose Outfit aufzufrischen:

Was mir gefallen hat:
Das ganze Programm, mit der Erstellung meines Profils, dem Telefonat und dem Anprobieren der Kleidung hat mir super viel Spaß gebracht und es war mal was ganz Neues für mich. Was mich besonders gefreut hat, war, dass ich jetzt zwei neue Teile im Schrank habe, die ich mir wahrscheinlich im Laden nie selbst ausgesucht hätte, weil sie doch etwas anders sind, als mein sonstiger Style. Das ich mich in meinem Style dank Kisura weiterentwicklen konnte finde ich super und dafür bin ich dem netten Berliner Unternehmen auch wirklich dankbar!
Toll fand ich auch, dass ich durch Kisura mal auf andere Marken aufmerksam geworden bin. Esprit kannte ich natürlich schon und Kisura hat mir nochmal bestätigt, dass Esprit nicht meine Lieblingsmarke ist (irgendwie spießig!?) aber Jake*s kannte ich noch nicht und die beiden Teile aus meiner Kisura-Bestellung, die ich behalten habe, waren zufälligerweise beide von Jake*s. Da habe ich natürlich direkt mal das Internet durchstöbert und nach anderen Jake*s Produkten geguckt.

Worauf ihr achten solltet:
Macht euch wirklich Gedanken darüber, was ihr mögt und vorallem, was ihr nicht mögt. Man kann zwar no-go Farben auswählen, aber keine no-go Farbkombinationen! Deswegen sowas unbedingt im Telefonat sagen. Ich habe zum Beispiel nicht gesagt, dass ich die Kombination rot und schwaz nicht leiden kann und schon hatte ich ein rot-schwarzes Tuch in meinem Paket.
Ich habe auch nicht daran gedacht, zu sagen, dass ich kein Silber mag und hatte dann, als das Paket da war, plötzlich angst, dass Silberschmuck mit drin sein wird. Zum Glück ist mein Stylist aber auch der Ansicht gewesen, dass Gold besser zu mir passt und hat mir die schöne Goldkette rausgesucht.

Probiert Kisura einfach mal aus- ausprobieren kostet ja nichts und es macht echt Spaß!

UND guckt unbedingt mal auf da kann man einen von drei 100 Euro-Gutscheinen gewinnen :-) 

Und jetzt möchte ich natürlich von euch wissen - findet ihr, mir stehen die Outfits? Was würdet ihr behalten und was wieder zurückgeben?

Dear Non-German-Speakers. This post was a review about a German online stylist service; they send me the two outfits that you can see in this post after talking to me on phone about my style. I also made a profil on their page to make them understand better what I like and what I do not like. 
Now please let me know how you like the outfits they pulled together for me and let me know which pieces I should keep and which ones I should send back to them :)

DANKE an für die spannende Erfahrung und ein paar tolle neue Teile im Schrank!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Zion National Park...

Now there is one US Blogpost coming after the other...

...but for the next few posts I planned a break from US pictures, so that you guys do not get bored from just seeing my vacation-pictures ;) 

But before the break I have to show you a few impressions from the Zion National Park. I think its my new favorite place on earth (I need to update this in my "about me" page on my blog ;)) and located in the beautiful state UTAH.

Its been a really really hot day, the day we spent there so my friend from Mauretania made me this professional turban to protect my head from the sun. People looked at me in a weird way but I really liked the turban and I did not get a headache (which I usually do when spending too much time in the sun).

We went for a hike in the canyon and it was pretty cool, since we had to walk IN the Virgin River. The weather was perfect for a hike in the water so we enjoyed it. I couldn't hike for long, cause I did not bring shoes to wear in the water and after a while it really started hurting hiking with bare feet on the sharp stones in the river... it was awesome anyway!

Later on that day, my friend from Pakistan made me another turban which you can see on the above picture. I thought it was a lot of fun how the two guys made turbans for me and fought about which one was better. I liked both of them, but I think the Mauretanian style looks slightly cooler ;)