Sunday, February 10, 2013

Another walk, some more exploration

I wanted to show you some of the pictures from when I want to explore and abandoned house... 
most of them are quite boring as the inside of the house looks more or less like every other house. So here are just a few.
As you can see on the pictures, there was a lot of snow that day that we went into the house. So, when we went out of the house again and wanted to sneak away without anybody seeing us, we realized that it is quite easy to follow our steps in the snow! Everybody was basically able to see that there were people walking into this abandoned house and where the footsteps came from and went to. A little bit stupid of us...

But nothing happend and the house is still more or less open :)

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!? 
I am just back from a looooong walk in the sunshine, taking pictures and talking with one of my bestest friends here and now I will have to do some work for uni...

Do you celebrate the chinese New Year? Tomorrow there will be a big event on out campus, with a Gala Show and a dinner. So I am looking forward to this (especially as one of my roommtes is going to perform a dance at the Gala Show ;)))


  1. I don't know but this place has some magic.

  2. cool place!

  3. loving the photos. How do you manage to look so effortlessly chic when its so cold out??? I'll never understand, teach me your ways!
    : )


  4. Again great place! I love abandoned hauses, but here is that really hart to find. but this would be also good location for shooting

  5. oh i like these pictures lovely! thanks for ur visit.. :D

  6. seriously, all i want in life is a house with plants growing up it.

  7. Seriously, you look fab!

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    personal style and fashion musings of an LA fashion lawyer living life in the fab lane

  8. Wie cooli, dass ihr da einfach so in ein verlassenes Haus spaziert seid!
    Ach bevor ich es vergesse und da ich noch nicht geschafft habe auf deine Mail zu antworten und da du ja schon unterwegs bist. Mein schönstes Erlebnis überhaupt, war es, an einem Gottesdienst in Harlem teil zu nehmen. Es war so wunderschön das zu sehen und wir wurden so herzlich aufgenommen und dann haben die lieben Menschen dort sich auch noch bei uns bedankt, dass wir uns das angucken/anhören obwohl wir so zu sagen die Eindringlinge waren. Wenn ihr übers WE da bist- macht das! Es dauert zwar ungefähr zwei Std - jedenfalls da, wo wir waren, aber es lohnt sich und du nimmst wirklich was fürs Leben mit. So liebe Menschen!
    Aber antworte natürlich noch auf deine Mail - musste nur das ganze WE arbeiten und der Master verlangt auch viel Aufmerksamkeit =)


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